TSATF – Sudan 1884

This weekend the local HMGS-South group played a Sudan game using The Sword and the Flame colonial rules (20th Anniversary Edition) and the Gunboats and Dhows rules. Six players and a referee fought on the Nile and beside it. The British/Egyptian force was victorious, sinking both dhows and maintaining control of their base.

The boats used were made by Last Stand Dan.

Photos and comments are in this Flickr album.

Sudan – Gunboats and Dhows

This weekend the local HMGS-South group played a Sudan game using The Sword and the Flame colonial rules (20th Anniversary Edition) and the Gunboats and Dhows rules. Two river steamers manned by the Royal Navy were tasked with capturing two small Dhows docked on the Nile. Fortifications covered the approaches to the docks and additional Ansar troops arrived by boat. The boats used were made by Last Stand Dan.

The British captured one large and one small Dhow, sank a large Dhow and destroyed several Ansar forts. One British steamer was destroyed, but otherwise British casualties were light.


Sudan – The Sword and the Flame

This weekend the local HMGS-South group played a Sudan game using The Sword and the Flame colonial rules (20th Anniversary Edition) and the Gunboats and Dhows rules. British forces were tasked with recovering captives, a river steamer and supplies taken by the Ansar. Ansar units were hidden on the table and more arrived on turns 3 and 6. The boats used were made by Last Stand Dan.

After about four hours of play we needed to quit so the hobby shop could close for the Memorial Day weekend. The British recaptured their river steamer (2VP) and some of the supplies (1VP) but did not get into the fort to rescue the captives (2VP for the Ansar). A hard-fought British victory.


TSATF – Sudan 1884 Replay

This weekend the local HMGS-South group played a Sudan game using The Sword and the Flame colonial rules (20th Anniversary Edition). The scenario was called the Battle of El Sisi Landing, November 13, 1884. This was a replay of an earlier game with some force and layout changes.

Order of battle and objectives: battle-of-el-sisi-landing-v2a

When the game ended, the British  were in a strong position away from the river, but far from taking the objective fort. The Ansar were ahead on victory points. The early loss of HMS Teapot made the game an uphill battle for the British, but they fought well to the end in spite of that.

TSATF – Sudan 1884

This weekend the local HMGS-South group played a Sudan game using The Sword and the Flame colonial rules (20th Anniversary Edition). The scenario was called the Battle of El Sisi Landing, November 13, 1884.

Order of battle and victory conditions: Battle of El Sisi Landing

The British had failed to reach the objective after about five hours of play.