Black Powder ACW – Piedmont 1864

This weekend the local HMGS-South group played a Black Powder Civil War game. The scenario was loosely based on the Battle of Piedmont, June 5th, 1864.

Black Powder rules modifications: BP-ACW specific rules (distances were adjusted for a ground scale of 50 yards per inch)


After four hours of play we called the game. The Union took heavy casualties to their largest brigade, the Confederates lost two batteries and cavalry losses were about even.


War of Spanish Succession – Black Powder AAR

Saturday the local HMGS-South group played a War of Spanish Succession battle using the Black Powder rules. The non-historical scenario was an attack by Allied troops on a French position.

With Allied casualties about double those of the French, we called the game at this point.

Black Powder: Oudenarde 1708

Saturday the local HMGS-South group played a War of Spanish Succession battle at the Dogs of War shop using the Black Powder rules. The scenario was (very) loosely based on the Battle of Oudenarde, 11 July 1708.

The battle was played until one side had 7 units shaken or destroyed. The French reached 7 while the Allies were at 6. The French battalion defending Eyne held out for the entire battle.

Black Powder War of Spanish Succession Game

This weekend the local HMGS-South group played a War of Spanish Succession game at the Dogs of War shop. Black Powder rules and 6mm Baccus figures were used. Unfortunately the duty photographer got so involved running the game that he forgot to take photos. Those below were taken during cleanup.

Mechanicsville – ACW Black Powder

Saturday the local HMGS-South group played a game of Black Powder at the Dogs of War shop.

This scenario is also known as The Battle of Beaver Dam Creek, 26 June, 1862. Three brigades of confederate infantry with two attached batteries and three off-table artillery batteries attack two Union infantry brigades and 5 artillery batteries in breastworks.